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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Welsh Warriors and the Black Watch


I just finished reading an Article by Micahel Yon that was very riviting. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The bravery and contribution of the Brits has been so underplayed, it was nice to see some real News. Even if it was old News. I am not sure what year this battle occured.

"JAM moved in under darkness to catch the British unawares. The attack kicked off at 2140 (or 9:40 pm). Six mortar rounds exploded, followed immediately by intense small-arms fire directed at the 4 flimsy guard towers, or “sangers” as the Brits call them. 2Lt Lane gathered up his men; some still in gym clothes and sandals pulling on their body armor and heading for combat. Tracers streaked over their heads from AKs and heavy machine guns. Bullets were coming from 360 degrees and about 20 locations, ripping into the sangers and pinning down soldiers. JAM fire was accurate. If they could take out one guard tower they could move forward, and fast. Their fire was already effective enough to keep British heads down, allowing JAM to move closer."

JAM moved in under darkness to catch the British unawares. The attack kicked off at 2140 (or 9:40 pm). Six mortar rounds exploded, followed immediately by intense small-arms fire directed at the 4 flimsy guard towers, or “sangers” as the Brits call them. 2Lt Lane gathered up his men; some still in gym clothes and sandals pulling on their body armor and heading for combat. Tracers streaked over their heads from AKs and heavy machine guns. Bullets were coming from 360 degrees and about 20 locations, ripping into the sangers and pinning down soldiers. JAM fire was accurate. If they could take out one guard tower they could move forward, and fast. Their fire was already effective enough to keep British heads down, allowing JAM to move closer.

 Click here to view the entire article

 by Micahel Yon